Thoughts from the 1st FibreNet training event


As one of the ESRs of the FibreNet project, I waited with excitement for the first network-wide training event in Tampere.  I moved to Austria to work on the project in July 2018 and after two months at TU Graz, meeting the other members of the consortium was essential to understand the true dimension of the project.

On the first day, important information about the main details of the project and social media guidance were provide to us and all ESRs participated in an Elevator Pitch session that proved to be very useful at all levels, from the understanding of the different projects, to the exchange of constructive critics and suggestions. This exercise, along with the outdoor activities that followed, also allowed us to get to know each other better and create some bonds of friendship and companionship.

On the other hand, during the next two days we were introduced to all the teachers and company mentors and attended their presentations that revealed to be crucial to comprehend the role of each in our individual projects and in the project in general. From the point of view of the planned secondments, it was also very important to use this time to meet our supervisors from other institutions, especially the team meetings organized by the coordinators, which allowed the ERS to discuss with them our future research work. The social activities of these days, namely the dinner and sauna in Maisansalo and the thematic dinner in Harald Restaurant located in downtown Tampere, were a great Finnish experience, which made our stay even more fruitful.

In the last day, we received significant training regarding research ethics and open science and data management, both very relevant for our future work in the project and career.

Overall, it was four days extremely well organized by the coordinators, with a program that included clarifications on all the project details, trainings events, presentations of all ERS, universities and companies involved and social group activities.




Monica Simoes

ESR13 – TU Graz