Event 4, Stockholm, 9.-13.3.2020










The fourth network-wide training event, NWTE4, was organized at KTH in Stockholm, Sweden in February 2020. The event title was Multi-physics modelling of bio-based fibre products. It was a five-day event and the training included both transferable skills training and training with scientific content. The topics of the trainings were:

  • Project and time management skills
  • Leadership
  • Molecular modelling
  • Micromechanics
  • Continuum modelling
  • Fluid-structure interactions
  • Laboratory course on packaging

In addition, there was a panel discussion under the topic Forest as a resource. The discussed topics included the present climate situation, the development of the forest industry to the point where it is today, the need for new bioeconomy, and the intensified forest production versus biodiversity. At the end of the event, BillerudKorsnäs, Kemira and Tetra Pak presented the career opportunities for PhDs in their organizations. Furthermore, one day was reserved for the ESR progress reports and supervisory team meetings.

Prior to the NWTE, we had a workshop on presentation skills. The ESR’s training was led by Jean-Luc Dupont from Metamorphoses.

The COVID-19 situation affected our event causing many unforeseen last-minute changes and cancelled participations. However, the organizers managed to keep things together and to quickly react to changing situations. The feedback that we gathered from all participants showed that the event was a success in a similar way its predecessors were. The average grade for overall composition and usefulness to the participants was 4.0/5 and the practical arrangements got grade 4.5/5. Furthermore, the training—despite the cancellations—got an average grade of 3.9/5. Also, the workshop on presentation skills was very much appreciated: The usefulness of the training was rated 4.4/5 and the arrangements of the event got as high grade as 4.8/5.

Thank you KTH-team for all your efforts! 

Final program: