Markus Beckmann



Name, organization: Markus Beckmann, ITA Technologietransfer GmbH           

Current position: Managing Director

Areas of expertise: General Management, Textile Processes and Machines

Roles in FibreNet: Mentor





Why is FibreNet an interesting project for you? 

New contacts, interested in latest science based topics, new collaboration opportunities.


Where were you born/ where have you lived as a child?

I was born and raised in Bielefeld/Germany.


Sports like running, swimming and music.

Tell about your career path?

I always had an interest for textile processes, customer needs and market trends. After several stations in R&D and product management, I became a GM at the ITA GmbH with is the cooperation partner of the ITA at the RWTH Aachen.

What do you like most in your current work?

No two days are the same. I love working with highly motivated young scientists and their creativity in a highly innovative environment to solve industry needs. In this context I also enjoy to accompany the young people in their pursuit to become excellent scientists and future managers.

I most like the daily varying challenges and to work on.

Tell something about yourself, which other FibreNet people might not know yet:

I am playing the drums in a band.

What has been the biggest change in your working life, and how did you adapt to it?

My two children forced me to change my working life 😀

What has been the hardest decision you have made during the last years?

Many years ago I quit a former job without having a new one as a parachute…

How do you organize your time at work, reveal some of your effective time management tricks.

I travel a lot and always use the time in my car for telephone conversations in the evening.

What are the three most important things in your current job?

To get the project related people on track, communicate with customers as much as possible and motivate my own people as best as I can.

Describe the best colleague or boss that you have worked with. What was it that especially impressed you?

"Be patient and always ask for deadlines that you set yourself. That is by far more powerful than the externally set and will lead (in most cases) to the best result possible. And then just follow up," my former mentor at one of my former companies said.