ESR12 - The relation between viscoelastic and viscoplastic pulp fibre properties and the mechanical properties of the final product

Name: Marko Žižek

ESR no.: 12

Description of the IRP:

The main objective of this project is to research the relation between viscoelastic pulp fibre properties and the mechanical properties of the final product. This will be aquired using dynamic mechanical analysis – DMA.

The testing proces will take place in 3 major steps. First step will be the DMA testing of single fibers, where viscoelasticity of single fibers will be determined. The second step will be performing the DMA testing on larger scale, namely on paper, to determine its viscoelasticity. Finally in the third step the aquired data will be evaluated and compared to determine the relationship between viscoelasticity of fibers and paper.

The workout protocol will be following: First the experimental procedure of single fiber tests will be discused and prepared. This includes the sample preparation and determination of load schedules. After that the single fiber measurements will be performed. Next step will be measuring the fiber wall area. This area [mm²] and measured force [N] will then be used to calculate tension [N/mm²]. Then fibril angle of fibers will be measured to relate it to mechanical properties of the fiber. Next the results will be analyzed and material mechanical behavior of fiber wall will be extracted from the measurements. Before the relationship between viscoelasticity of fibers and paper will be worked out the viscoelastic behavior of the material will be analyzed on different time scales.


  • DMA, mechanical properties, fibre properties, fibre testing, single fibres, fibre bonds

About the ESR:

I come from NE part of Slovenia, a small municipality called Razkrižje. I obtained a Bachelor’s degree in Chemical engineering and Master’s degree in Analytical chemistry at University of Maribor (Slovenia). My Bachelor’s thesis was „Creating short films for solving problems in chemistry and chemical engineering“ and my Master’s thesis was „Analysis of Drug Delivery Systems from Medical Implants“. I participated in Euromaster® Summer School Measurement Science in Chemistry, Training in Metrology in Chemistry. Although there are many things that interest me, I mostly enjoy being in nature (hiking or cycling) and reading a good book. As for my personal traits, one could say I am very curious and streaming forward to expand my knowledge and skills.


Contact information:

  • Marko Žižek
  • Institute of Pulp, Paper and Fiber Technology – Graz University of Technology
  • Inffeldgasse 23
  • A-8010 Graz
  • Austria
  • +386 31 449 730