We organized our first Network-wide Training Event in Tampere in the beginning of September. In the four-day event, we met our fresh early stage researchers for the first time. I was really pleased to see how enthusiastic and talented students we have in the project! As this was the first meeting where the students, supervisors and mentors gathered together, we placed a lot of emphasis on getting to know the project and each other - both professionally and personally. We also had excellent transferable skills trainings on the use of social media as a part of our research activities, how to effectively present our ideas, aspects to research ethics and open science, and how to manage our research data. Students especially liked the open science and data management and the elevator pitch trainings, which were graded 5 / 5 by all the students.
In general, I consider the event a great success with an average grade for the training sessions 4.6 / 5 and for the social events 4.9 / 5. I would like to thank Mariaana and Minna who did huge work to make the event such successful! What to improve in the next events? The programme was quite intensive and days were long; we should maybe little bit relax the coming events. The supervisory team meetings between the student, supervisors and mentors were considered very useful, but the time was limited. As these team meetings are one of the core ways to utilize the synergies and the multidisciplinary expertise, we aim to allocate some more time for them in the coming events. We also learned that there are many things to cover and we have active discussion in the Steering Board and therefore, we need to reserve some more time not to rush through the items. Planning the next event has already started and we aim to have even a better NWTE in Graz!
Nice and productive autumn time!
FibreNet Coordinator Pasi Kallio