Surprising easiness resulting from a common goal


When our call for the early stage researchers (ESRs) was closing in spring, we all were prepared for tough decision making to choose the 15 best possible candidates for the project. We thought there will be several challenges on our way and we were not fully convinced that we can finalize our first milestone, completion of ESR selection, on time.

Surprisingly everything went smoother than we thought. For all individual research projects there were enough good applicants and all ESRs were selected. This indicates not only a great consortium and interesting project tempting young scientist but also enthusiasm and effort of the project partners. After all, the recruitment process is one of the most critical steps of the project.

Now we have 15 enthusiastic young researchers starting their three-year journey in the FibreNet project. You can find them all from our web pages. Next week we will meet them all for the first time in the network wide kick-off event in Tampere. It’s nice to think that the fall will start with such a great four-day meeting!




Essi Sarlin

FibreNet Recruitment Officer, Tampere Univ. Tech.